KVM (for Kernel-based Virtual Machine) is a full virtualization solution for Linux on x86 hardware containing virtualization extensions (Intel VT or AMD-V).   VoIP Detective supports installation on Linux KVM, using a qcow2 image.  

Virtual Machine requirements:

  • 500GB of disk space (thin provisioning is supported)
  • 16GB of memory
  • VoIP Detective Free requires internet access (it will need to reach *.voipdetective.com).  More information

Preparing the virtual machine and license

  1. Go to www.voipdetective,com and click on "Install VoIP Detective Now" in the upper right corner.
  2. You'll be prompted to create an account.  You will the be forwarded to the licensing page
  3. Generate a license and make note of it.
  4. Download the VoIP Detective - Linux KVM virtual machine
  5. Unzip the file to your local computer.

Deploy the virtual machine with cockpit.

Using a GUI like cockpit will make deploying this virtual machine much easier.  You will need to upload the disk image (voip_detective_disk_image.qcow2) as well as the xml file (voip-detective.xml).  

Assign the virtual machine 16GB of memory, as well as 2 vCPU.