Default Password information can be found here

Installation VoIP Detective is a prebuilt linux based appliance that is available as an qcow2 file. To install VoIP Detective, you'll want to follow this process:

  1. Obtain a license - a free license key can be generated from this page, or, if you would like to access all features of VoIP Detective PRO, you can purchase a license by emailing [email protected].  If you have multiple copies of VoIP Detective, please request a new key for each installation.
  2. Download the VoIP Detective OVA file from the same page
  3. Extract the file that you downloaded. Note the location that it was extracted to. The proper SHA value will be contained in the readme.txt file. You may need this value when importing the image.
  4. Upload our qcow2 file as an image to Nutanix, using the PRISM interface.  The image type should be DISK
  5. Create a new VM
    1. Name: Enter a name for the VM.
    2. Description: Optionally, enter a description.
    3. vCPU(s): Specify 2 vCPUs
    4. Cores per vCPU: Specify 1 core per vCPU
    5. Memory: Specify 16GB memory

6. Once the VM is created, you can power it on.

7. The appliance is set to use DHCP. If you'd like to continue using DHCP to assign an address to VoIP Detective, Use your web browser to go to the IP address of VoIP Detective and follow the instructions there, skipping the instructions below.

8. (OPTIONAL) Assigning a static IP address to VoIP Detective.  Please see this article

9. If you plan on accessing VoIP Detective via a DNS address (instead of an IP address) then set a hostname in the VoIP Detective CLI.  Please see this article.

10. Use your web browser to go to the address of VoIP Detective - you can find the IP of VoIP Detective by using your VMware ESI or Vcenter console.

11. Step through the installer.  This will provide the system with a minimum configuration, and get you up and running.

12. Point CDRs from your CUCM to VoIP Detective - Please go here to learn how to configure CDRs in CUCM.

13. Login to VoIP Detective's web interface as admin - The default username is 'admin' and the default password is 'voip'. Full list of default passwords can be found here.

*Important Note - VoIP Detective is not designed to be internet facing (accessible directly from the internet).  Please ensure that VoIP Detective is not reachable from the internet, or in your organization's DMZ.

If you have any questions, please click on the "New Support Ticket" button above.