Microsoft Teams reporting is currently in closed beta.  It is not possible for you to enable MS Teams reporting at this time, but we hope to introduce this feature shortly.  

Set Up Access to Microsoft Graph

Register an Application in Azure AD:

Go to the Azure portal.
Navigate to Azure Active Directory > App registrations.

Click New registration and create an application.

Note the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID.

Assign API Permissions:

Under the app's settings, go to API permissions.

Add the Microsoft Graph API permissions:

Grant admin consent for these permissions.

Now, go to "Certificates and secrets"

Generate a new client secret by clicking on "New client secret"

Give the client secret a description and choose when it should expire.

Please note - client secrets must be manually created through the Azure Portal, and cannot be extended by VoIP Detective.  Because of this, you will need to manually create a new client secret when the current one expires.

Copy the client secret value and keep it in a safe place